Photo by natloans
14. Wear Them Down With Questions
When shopping for a car, it’s always important to remember that you are the one in control. You hold the money, and that gives you the power. Salesmen will try to gain the upper hand and control the tempo of your interaction as a way to push you into buying the sale. To do this, they’ll usually focus on how the car makes you feel.
Take back control of the situation by sticking to the facts. When you go for a test drive, ask lots of technical questions about the car: its gas mileage, who owned it previously, the age of the tires, the size of the engine and anything else you can think of. This takes salespeople out of their comfort zones and allows you to focus on the rational details rather than being swept up in an emotional response. If you do this correctly, you’ll become such a nuisance that the salesperson might cut negotiations short just to get you out of the lot.