Photo by Ray Cunningham
13. GM XP-21 Firebird
Introduced in 1953, the XP-21 Firebird was never meant for public use. The crowds were probably very disappointed when they learned this from the brochures that were handed out, as the disclaimer stated “It is not the first in a new line of General Motors cars. It will never be seen on a public highway. Actually, it was built only for the proving ground and test track.” This is a shame because the XP-21 Firebird would have sold like hot cakes. Who wouldn’t want to drive around in a car that looked like a fighter jet? GM released newer versions of the Firebird, some more extreme than others; the Firebird III had seven wings for example. With technology where it is today, I’m surprised no one has tried to recreate this road jet, maybe with 3D printing technology.