Photo by chip197_98
5. GM-X Stiletto
The GM-X Stiletto was a dream car created by General Motors in 1965. The vehicle was designed to have an aerospace look, aircraft steering, a maintenance monitoring system, toggle switch controls, and three way communication speakers. The vehicle looked like it was heavily inspired by rocket technology, with an elongated front end and wrap around windshield. The GM-X Stiletto was missing doors and window pillars. The only cuts in the body were made for a pair of vents behind the front fenders. The air brakes were retractable and would pop out from behind the rear wheels. The only way into this bizarre vehicle was to climb into it from the back, meaning that if it was snowing or raining you were going to filthy up the inside. Even though the Stiletto was full of inconvenience, it was still a cool car to look at.