Photo by tautaudu02
3. Propeller Driven Car
Before we had promises of the flying car being just around the corner, the propeller driven car was the great car improvement idea of the 1920s that never came true. At the time, the airplane was revolutionizing the entire travel industry, and one of the popular predictions at the time was that cars would soon be driven by propellers as well as have the capability of flying between destinations. There was a propeller car designed that remained land-bound called the Helica. The auto was created by French engineer, Marcel Leyat who designed his car from the ground up. This approach let him include aerodynamic styling and other improvements in the design of the vehicle. Although his car could not take flight, it used the propellers thrust to help it move. Of course, the Helica did miss some critical components in lacking brakes, steering, and a means to protect pedestrians from the rotating blades of the vehicle.