Photo by Doug Kline
15. Starsky and Hutch’s Gran Torino
Starsky & Hutch was a 1970’s American cop thriller television show. The show’s protagonists were two Southern California police detectives with an awesome bright ride, two-door Ford Gran Torino. The car had large white vector stripes going down both sides, earning it the nickname the “Striped Tomato,” by Hutch. Fans of the series referred to the car by that name from then on. Torinos used on set varied from 1974 to 1976 models, since the body style was unchanged during those years. And the show needed quite a lot of them! There were Torinos used for stunt cars, camera cars, tow cars, dolly cars, and cars used for beauty shots. The movie spawned a popular movie in 2004 which featured the iconic car.