Photo by Bob_MacMillan
16. Mazda RX-7 (FD)
The Mazda RX-7 FD ( or third generation) is the best version of the RX series. With the RX-7 Mazda built a masterpiece, that would later be replaced with the less than stellar RX-8. The RX-7 had the first ever mass produced sequential twin turbocharger system to be exported from Japan. The sequential twin turbocharged system, introduced on this series in 1992, was a very complex piece of engineering. The system was composed of two turbochargers, one to provide boost at low RPM. The second unit was on standby until the upper half of the rpm range during full throttle acceleration. The first turbocharger provided 10 psi of boost from 1800 rpm, and the second turbocharger was activated at 4000 rpm and also provided 10 psi. This significantly increased the power output of the vehicle, and forced test drivers to adjust their driving styles so they didn’t understeer then vehicle.