Photo by yayasan_permata_atjeh
18. Nissan Versa (4-Door Sedan Only)
Unlike the Nissan Versa’s hatchback model, the 4-door sedan model earned a “poor” rating in the small overlap front test. This led to a low overall safety score. The driver’s space was seriously compromised by intruding structure. Lower interior intrusion measured as much as 42 cm at the lower hinge pillar. Upper interior intrusion measured 27-29 cm at the instrument panel. The steering column was pushed back 10 cm toward the driver. Dummy measurements indicated that injuries to the left lower leg would be likely, and injury to the left knee would be possible in a crash of this severity. The dummy’s head barely contacted the frontal airbag before sliding off the left side and leaving the head vulnerable to contact with forward structure. The steering column moved upward 12 cm and 15 cm to the right, contributing to a lack of protection for the head and allowing little airbag cushioning for the chest.